There's A Leopardskin On The Wall  is the second song lyric for the projected work (musical, or rock opera). It's also the very lst song in which Aphrodite, Love Goddess of ancient Greek lore appears not only reincarnated (as in the prior lyric, Doing The Aphrodite), but also hard at work at her job as a chathostess in a Live Adult Video Feed (LAVF) internet chatroom. Aphrodite is seen at the start of one of her online internet shifts --broadcasting to guests of both sexes who've signed into her webcam chatroom from computers around the world. She appears posing at the center of a spotlight which is trained on her & which changes colors. She's clad in a modern-day approximation of the kind of gauzy Greek garb of yore which poets & even most historians, have imagined.

"Leopardskin" is sung by a particularly entranced chatroom guest named tekkie. tekkie has just begun visiting Aphrodite's room.  He's a professional computer programmer in his late 30's or early 40's.  In addition to being on his way to traditional male 'Middle Age Crisis' years, he's also on his way to becoming one of Aphrodite's most sympathetic & devoted fans--& also to playing a role as a main supporting character. (Incidentally, many of the song lyrics at  the pages of this site are accompanied by brief prelim notes . They're more or less like this one, only mostly shorter. Most say how the song lyrics at this site fit into scenario--or make suggestions here & there re performance & presentation, etc.).

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It's a simple room with just a bed & a red bedspread
& Sometimes a couple of throw-pillows with zebra patterns lying there
And sometimes the webcam even shows the corner of a computer monitor
Or a can of coke or a bottle of gatorade on the floor;
We get to look at them a lot when Goddess Aphrodite takes a quickie-break
& Just before & after Aphie's onscreen in her room

And stretched out along the rear wall there’s fabric like a leopard skin
It runs from the far left to the far right of the screen
Guests get to stare at all the dots a lot--

Why we practically get to memorize that leopard's spots!--
Whenever Goddess Aphrodite takes a quickie-break
& Just before & after Aphie's onscreen in her room

And there's a leopardskin on the wall,
Yes there's a leopardskin on that wall.

And when Aphrodite returns to her room to go back to work again--
Especially if she's changed into a new costume--
The first thing she does is brighten all the lights
By reaching out to somewhere beyond the corner of the screen
To make sure that she can be clearly seen,
Yeah to make sure that she can be clearly seen

And there's a leopardskin on the wall, all right,
There's a leopardskin on that wall...

& Sometimes Aphrodite changes spotlight colors too
To reflect I guess the mood she happens to be in
I've seen Aphie standing before the cam tinted pink or cherry-red
& Sometimes even blue or green--
Tho' mostly she’s surrounded by a kind of radiant yellow glow
The color of her tumbling golden hair & shining skin

And there's a leopardskin on the wall, oh yeah,
There's a leopardskin on that wall...

A. hieratic with arms up

Top of  'Leopardskin on The Wall'

There's A Leopardskin On The Wall  © 2005 by Michael Benedikt

Forthcoming: Links to 2 pages which precede this lyric--both in the projected musical & at this website. Those pages are A Statue of Aphrodite Greek Goddess of Love  & Doing The Aphrodite. The lst page, Statue, " is a prefatory page of prose with art history-like speculations about a golden-hued but broken marble sculpture of Aphrodite from circa 300 B.C. Although a broken statue, it's still a rather  arractive & lifelike statue as it turns out.  Increasingly, our would-be scholarly narrator speaks as if he's talking about a living person. The prose of  A Statue of Aphrodite is followed by the verses of a the work's lst Song Lyric. which is called Doing The Aphrodite.   Doing The Aphrodite gives some examples of the 'Aphrodisiac' & magically reinvigorating effect which the Love Goddess come to life has  already had on some of those encountering her in modern times. Doing starts this way: "There are things in this world that people want to do / And things in this world that they don't / Life's a mixture of notes in imperfect harmony / But everybody wants to do Aphie." Doing also prepares the way for "Leopardskin" & other Act 1 A/C lyrics with varying degrees of erotic content & also with a generally breezy & upbeat veneer.  Scenario Note: The webpage with Doing The Aphrodite also contains a work-in-progress--a few thoughts in attemptedly greater depth, lol, about the projected musical.  Dance Note:  Doing is also meant to encourage creation of choreography for "The Aphrodite"--dance-steps evoking an exceptionally enterprising LAVF chathostess' pinup-like posing & primping before the webcam. Forthcoming: Links to pages with another dozen or so other lyrics already online at other private URLs. Other A/C lyrics have been completed since the online postings. A Note on Character Development: Here's a link to a 2nd song about Aphrodite which tekkie sings later on in the musical: Things I'd Like To Talk Over With Her. It's meant for later in Act 1 or early in Act II. You may notice a difference between tekkie's awed outsider stance in Leopardskin compared to his deepened involvement later on. Many of our songs combine--in a rather uuusual way we think--the erotic & the Romantic, & the practical & the Romantic.

For the time being, viewing of pages of this website are by invitation only. Thanks.

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